Mastodon Digest
for the past

Starbucks app for Taiwan not available in my country App Store…

I guess I need to stand in line like some kind of weirdo from the 00’s.

As a thank you to all the amazing readers who've supported my writing journey, I want to share their story with you. No strings attached (unlike poor Ethan with his demon 😉).

Grab your free copy here:
#Mastodon #fediverse #bookstodon #giveaway

Q: are there any orgs or groups set up as like a “creative industries/workers against generative AI” style group, or who are doing explicit like info and advocacy work? If not, would there be interest in a group similar to like the Ethical Paper Pledge (linked in thread) specifically for orgs/individuals who want to sign up as explicitly not using and pushing back against generative AI?

@jonty @mattgrayyes @JennyList heh, IIRC someone from FieldFX who shall remain nameless was broadcasting cocio and finsprit on a loop from a raspberry pi at EMF2022 as well, though I wasn’t talking to the hams so didn’t know if they knew about it. It was very short range though and just about covered our village. Pirate the planet i guess?

Ich möchte nun endlich von X wegkommen, was mir im #fediverse aber vor allem noch fehlt sind gute (journalistische) Accounts die zu internationalen Themen, z.B. Ukraine-Krieg und Israel/Palästina schreiben. Habt ihr da Tipps?

Wtf #fedora .. since when is this a thing ?

Morning world. Hanging on.

Today's mood: dark

Look who arrived so early in the morning! 🐘

#plushtodon #autumn

I’ve got the welcome to @loops email. Just waiting for the email to the actual app to test: 👍

#BoreDa bawb. Dyn ni'n mynd i'r siopau y bore 'ma. Wedyn, mae gan Alfred apwyntiad gwaith ym Manceinion yn y prynhawn.

#GoodMorning everyone. We're going to the shops this morning. Then, Alfred has a work appointment in Manchester in the afternoon.


We are looking for a speaker for our event on 20 November, get in touch. Please share. #LWSNov2024

Apple need to be told that the phrase “check your ring” means something not very polite in British English, especially from a health app

Controversial take: #AphexTwin is overrated


Looked at KDE last night but it was a big no for my brain as it just feels too busy for me.


We at the :RISA: Rottnest Island Space Agency’s :DoC: Department of Computation would like to extend our congratulations to Luke Durant of the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) on discovering the 52nd known Mersenne Prime! :CatherineIdea:


when the abbreviations start blending together in your brain


I might have _FINALLY_ made something worth showing off! This is a mockup using a neopixel matrix, the final product will have less RGB :))))


#CircuitPython #Maker #Halloween #NeoPixel #RGB #RandomHashtag

Happy #autumn everyone! My neighbor across the street I’m sure thinks I’m nuts, this time every year I go outside first thing in the morning and start taking pictures of his tree 😅

#fall #fallleaves #fallfoliage #denver #colorado


@lizduckchong this isn't an org per se but there's this which is a mark people can put on their work to indicate it's made by a person. The intention is to have a positive perspective; instead of being anti ai they're pro human creativity sort of vibe.

i'm so glad the RISC-V vendor ecosystem has embraced reasonable and easy to remember extension names


In a conversation with French journalist Frank Barat, holocaust survivor Gabor Mate compares the videos emerging from Gaza to ‘watching Auschwitz on TikTok. If social media had existed at the time, we would have seen videos of people burning alive.’ Mate, who is a doctor and trauma expert, also explains, ‘When people [Israel] like this are empowered, encouraged, allowed, and supported in committing their horrors, they become more extreme. They become more cruel, more remorseless, more relentless, more ruthless. That's what happened to the Nazis. The Nazis did not start off with gas chambers."

This is the world we live in today.

And most people simply don't care or support it.

#Gaza #Genocide #Israel @palestine @israel


The debacle of Paradise Dam in Queensland is quite something, and really lucky that a determined engineer and their team was able to show that the situation was much more dangerous than suspected. Might interest you @ai6yr from an engineering point of view. #engineering #australia

Never forget what they’ve taken from you


Scottish storm damage



When life gives you solemn, you don't find any of this amusing.

What an excellent board so far! Great work by the MNT team! Please excuse my clutter!


Today I learnt that a German complained that #cyberpunk2077 used the wrong manhole standardisation. It's beautiful.
